Recent Posts

All 6 posts are listed below.

  • Musings on the Berlin Interpretation

    If you’re familiar at all with Roguelike games, you may have heard of the Berlin Interpretation, an attempt at a standard definition to answer the question “What is a Roguelike?”.
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  • Tile Map Expansion

    For today’s devlog, I’ll present a high level overview of the tile map management system, as I glossed over a large portion of in the previous two posts. If you’ve not read those yet, I’d recommend at least skimming them before reading on…
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  • Terrain Generation in Rust, Part 1

    Following on from my last entry, let’s go into a little more detail about how the landscape generation was done. I mentioned briefly that I used a seeded expansion algorithm to ensure that landscape chunks were expanded consistently.
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  • World Building

    A bit more background before these blog post start getting into the development meat.
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  • Flexible Architecture for World-building and Narrative

    Back in the dark times (mid-pandemic) I got an itch to create a new game. For background, I started out as a game developer for a short period of time immediately post-university, and quickly figured out that the mainstream game industry wasn’t to my taste. So, I did what any self-respecting twenty-something would do, quit the game industry and moved over to the finance industry where I did the same kind of thing (programming is pretty much the same wherever you go) for five times the pay.
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  • Rogue Games: Can I have a little more plot with that?

    Since its advent, gaming has made a profound impact on the lives of those who’ve enjoyed it. As the technology improved and the variety increased, gamer culture began to grow exponentially. In fact, it’s grown so much that it has been, irreversibly, intertwined with the mainstream. Proof and point: my very non-gaming parents bought a Wii two years back.
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